is striving to become the first carbon neutral tree care company in Canada and the World. On our travels we will grow healthy communities with greener futures and cleaner air. You will find our staff knowledgeable, experienced and patient. We want you to know more about your trees than you did when we first arrived.
So Come on CANADA!
Let's Plant trees, Protect our Environment and Grow Our Communities!
Along the road to carbon neutrality we are planting trees for every job we complete. We guarantee that we will plant at least 1 tree for every client we gain this year. We have teamed up with an innovative apparel company that was recently seen striking a deal on Dragon's Den. TEN TREE Apparel plants 10 trees for every item sold. We are giving away shirts and apparel made by them under the "PLANT and PROTECT" initiative. These shirts will be available at Trade Shows, Twitter Giveaways, Seminars and on the Street! So watch for a vehicle in your neighborhood!